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Benefits of Bamboo


Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the world. It can be easily grown organically with minimal water. It's biodegradable, sustainable and renewable.

The benefits of bamboo fabric:

  • Naturally Soft - Bamboo fabric is extremely soft and comfortable with a texture similar to cashmere. Bamboo fabric is often blended with 30% organic cotton to add structure to the garments and make it more durable. So incredibly super-soft - you have to feel it to believe it!
  • Allergy Reduced - Bamboo fabric is bleached without the use of chlorine, its non-irritant and does not cause allergic reactions; it's a popular choice for infant's delicate skins.
  • Thermal Regulating - Bamboo fabric can keep baby and kids at an even temperature, cool in summer, warm in winter by its excellent wicking properties.
  • Absorbs Moisture - Bamboo has various micro-holes, allowing bamboo fabric to have superior absorption to absorb moisture rapidly, keeping babies fresh and dry. It is four times more absorbent than cotton.
  • Breathable - The porous qualities of bamboo fabric account for its breathability.
  • Anti-bacterial - Bamboo fabric contains a naturally occurring anti-microbial agent: kun, that prevents bacteria from cultivating on it, which helps keep the baby odour free, fresher, healthier and hygienic.
  • Natural UV Protection - Bamboo naturally provides added protection against the harmful UV rays, it's healthy to wear.
  • Antistatic - Bamboo Fabric is antistatic

In More Detail.....

Bamboo-renewable, sustainable:

Bamboo is the largest grass in the grass family and also the fastest growing woody plant in the world. It is capable of growing up to 60cm or more per day due to a unique rhizome-dependent system. Bamboo can be selectively harvested every year after 7 years, compared to 30 to 50 years for trees, and bamboo regenerates without replanting. With a 10-30% annual increase in biomass versus 2-5% for trees, bamboo can yield 20 times more timber than trees in the same area.

Bamboo-environmental friendly:

Bamboo grows quickly but does not require fertilizers and pesticides, and requires very little water so can easily survive in drought conditions. Because of its wide spread root system and large canopy, bamboo greatly reduces rain run-off and prevents massive soil erosion. The plant also releases a significant amount of oxygen into atmosphere; it helps to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the air.


Soft bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves are the major food source of the Giant Panda of China. China has an abundant resource of bamboo - over 400 species. For 3000 years, the Chinese have been making bamboo products. Bamboo is of notable economic and cultural significance in China.